Workforce Wednesday
To serve our members better, SERSHA will begin a new series #WorkforceWednesday to share job opportunities for Housing Professionals. Check in every week to see what new opportunities may be in store for you!
Is your agency a member of SERHA and looking for new talent? If so, let us know. We would love to help you locate the housing professional you have been searching for.

City of Charlottesville - Charlottesville, VA
Salary Range: $56,492.80 - $107,336.32
The Department of Neighborhood Development Services is seeking a qualified candidate to join our team as the Housing Program Coordinator who is highly motivated and who strives for success by demonstrating Charlottesville's Core Values of Leadership, Trust, Creativity, Respect, and Excellence. To learn more about this position, click here.
Accounting Supervisor-Asheboro Housing Authority - Asheboro, NC
Salary Range: $46,000-$55,200
Assistant Director of Development (construction & modernization projects)- Raleigh Housing Authority - Raleigh, NC
Salary Range: $58,452-$64,444
Director-Office of Public Housing Programs-Department of Housing and Urban Development - Washington, DC
Salary Range: $137,849-$166,500